alex, thank you for another beautiful journey shared. i feel as though i have been out in the woods looking at and sitting with the mushrooms as i finish your piece, a meditation on the continually beauty of this world, both below and above ground. thank you for this lesson on "seeing".
I do notice mushrooms with curiosity, wonder, and admiration for their unique diversity, shapes, and beauty. We regularly eat the same mushroom varieties from the grocery store. I've also heard about experienced mushroom hunters mistakenly identify an edible with a poisonous mushroom and die, so no foraging for edible mushrooms for me, yet. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of things to know and remember, so I won't take the time to read and study up on the subject. But, I would like to learn about edible mushrooms in short easy to read posts that might give illustrations, and common rules for easy to identify edible mushrooms that are safe, delicious, or medicinal. Would this be the post?
alex, thank you for another beautiful journey shared. i feel as though i have been out in the woods looking at and sitting with the mushrooms as i finish your piece, a meditation on the continually beauty of this world, both below and above ground. thank you for this lesson on "seeing".
I do notice mushrooms with curiosity, wonder, and admiration for their unique diversity, shapes, and beauty. We regularly eat the same mushroom varieties from the grocery store. I've also heard about experienced mushroom hunters mistakenly identify an edible with a poisonous mushroom and die, so no foraging for edible mushrooms for me, yet. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of things to know and remember, so I won't take the time to read and study up on the subject. But, I would like to learn about edible mushrooms in short easy to read posts that might give illustrations, and common rules for easy to identify edible mushrooms that are safe, delicious, or medicinal. Would this be the post?